New Fiction: "The Attraction Problem"

If you've ever asked, "why don't those little green men wear pants?" this is the story for you, weirdo.

I have a new short story out this month in the latest issue of Black Sheep: Unique Tales of Terror and Wonder.

"The Attraction Problem" was inspired by this cover of an old Analog issue:

I was interested in the idea that aliens might have influenced our society's social mores. I've read plenty of stories where the aliens altered our DNA, history, architecture, but not one where they changed how we form close romantic relationships through evolutionary psychology. In the process of researching for the story, I called an evolutionary psychologist at the University of Miami and had a great conversation with her. Ideas from her research formed the basis of the study that the main character is conducting at the story's opening.

Also, I'm always interested in writing from the POV of characters who are different than me. I know that's a controversial take these days (I heard a rumor about a top 5 publisher issuing an internal memo not to accept manuscripts from authors who had different personal identifiers than their main characters - I understand the idea behind this but it seems like too direct an approach), but I view writing as an act of personal empathy, a way to explore the world through other's eyes. With this in mind, I wrote this story from the POV of a neurodivergent young researcher. At the story's outset, the arrival of aliens for what seems like first contact, is viewed by him as merely an inconvenience that disrupts his time in the lab and may skew his test results.

I won't say anything more in the hopes that you read it. The whole thing is a bit funny and a lot absurd and includes a description of an alien vagina (not in a sexy way).

You can get a copy of Black Sheep 20 from Barnes & Noble or The Jeff Bezos' Evil Empire Charity Relief Refund

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