Inquiry Based Creative Writing Decentering in a language arts elective or other appropriate buzz words for letting go of the pedagogical reins
New Fiction: "The Attraction Problem" If you've ever asked, "why don't those little green men wear pants?" this is the story for you, weirdo.
Purposeful Paragraphing Leading students towards a deeper, more organic way of thinking about their papers.
The Creative Writer's Notebook I'm taking a new approach to teaching creative writing, one that puts the journal at the center of everything.
Write All Along Just what the world needs: another blogger. By Way of Introduction Shabooya Roll Call When I was a teenager I had a personal website that I made in iWeb (you had forgotten about iWeb, hadn't you?) called My Name is Eric. The logo had those words in a
The 6 Best AP Seminar Topics Groups Aren't Finding 6 AP Seminar Project Topic Ideas with Starter Sources